Mostly World of Warcraft and Paladins. But also some Internets.

This page is mostly for reaching out to people a bit better that I know as everyone knows that online time can turn quite hectic on occasion, and some things require a bit more thought before you can express them in an accurate way. With more or less related subjects tossed in between.

Internets in general.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Past and present

Browsing through disks and my old laptop recently I came across screenshots dating from late 2006 into today. I had been under the belief they had all been lost back when my stationary PC crashed completely a couple of years ago, so it was a pleasant surprise to see there's some traces left of the journey up to where we are now. You surely evolve as player over the years - learning the basics, going through phases and changes on the way, people come and go and you improve your gameplay as you increasingly feel you can do it better.

I picked the oldest picture I could find from the past picturing my paladin, from January 17th, 2007, and then returned to the same place today on March 9th, 2010 to remake the picture. A jump from level 10 to 80.

Going through the images one by one is like reading an anthology of your gaming career. You can most of the time remember how the day you pressed print screen that time looked, what you were doing, how it ended, and what had already occured or would be about to happen. I'm not all too certain most players that have been around for multiple years can recall in this way, or even care about it, but I find it interesting to look back and see what you've done. There's a difference between being stuck in the past and being able to look back at it and smile - to remember the good and bad times and cherish them both equally.

The only thing more I can add regarding this is to remember to remove your rose-colored goggles if you decide to reflect on past deeds. And that isn't restricted to the game only. :)


Anubelle said...

Really nice post, you sure made a long way from 200 to 26K hitpoints :p

I've got screenshots from very early on as well; of my first main (Warlock) at level 4 right when I started playing, as well as of my current main Anubelle at level 17 questing in Stonetalon Mountains. I'll have to rummage through them when I get home!

Nayan said...

Ah, this is after the rphorde spammage session? ^^ Really nice one, indeed. You took me places with time-travelling that night :/ Should write a book one day. A dull dust-covered uninteresting book, but a book nonetheless!

*sneaks off*

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