Mostly World of Warcraft and Paladins. But also some Internets.

This page is mostly for reaching out to people a bit better that I know as everyone knows that online time can turn quite hectic on occasion, and some things require a bit more thought before you can express them in an accurate way. With more or less related subjects tossed in between.

Internets in general.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The end tier of this expansion

Wrath of the Lich King has so far been very different from a raiding perspective compared to the original game and burning crusade. There's amazing amounts of complaints as well as chanting for the new system with a smaller and bigger version of all raid instances and the introduction in Ulduar of hardmodes. People are already at Lich King on hardmode in 25-man. Me and my guild though, tried him on normal mode in 25's yesterday for the first time seriously and did pretty decent getting halfway through last phase a couple of times. "The game is too easy" you hear a lot these days. I don't know. All bosses in the Sunwell at end of TBC were killed first day they got released through the gating there, except the last ones that took one or two additional days. This were one of the raids that was deemed among the hardest/best raid instances made so far. We're on monday of this reset now. The other 11 bosses are down on heroic. Lich King isn't. He's in other words been alive for longer than what any encounter in Sunwell offered so far. Yeah, this is at a guess because of Blizzard's new gating system - limited tries. You could wipe on M'uru and Kil'jaeden as many times as there was hours on the clock, but you only have max 20 tries for Arthas - but as many that follow the worldfirst progress of raiding may know a lot of top guilds these days employ a new way to circumvent the limited tries: clone alts.

To squeeze in more attempts and learn more, there's quite a few players that have identical extra characters they've geared up to practice with. Same class, same talents, picking up the same gear. While the world of seeking world firsts is in its own dimension, I'm not sure the gating helped. Seems it just made way for another case of "clever usage of game mechanics". These people won't stop trying anything to get their job done no matter what is put in their way. And it largely doesn't affect the other guilds behind them. Maybe if they put the limited tries on an accountwide basis there'd be no loopholes - but seriously, there's been enough silly band-aid fixes recently.

Nothing will be impossible or too hard for the guys at the front. For everyone else? My guild ain't the best of the best, but I daresay we're a decent bunch. Game is too easy? Game will always be beaten by those that try their furthest to do so. So far, the Lich King has proven to be a fun, challenging and immersive encounter for us. And likely the same for everyone else at our level or those that raid more casually. The majority, in other words, the target group of player Blizzard has tried so hard to balance the game around this expansion. I'd say they succeeded in finding the difficulty to an okay level here in the end tier of this expansion. I hope whatever awaits us in Cataclysm will be worth the wait.


Anceri said...

"A decent bunch"?

Aren't you being a bit too modest now?

Neimi said...

I am the king of modesty.

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