Mostly World of Warcraft and Paladins. But also some Internets.

This page is mostly for reaching out to people a bit better that I know as everyone knows that online time can turn quite hectic on occasion, and some things require a bit more thought before you can express them in an accurate way. With more or less related subjects tossed in between.

Internets in general.

Friday, February 12, 2010

How does that sound?

Ever since getting out of an accident with one ear next to deaf, I learned to appreciate music on a whole new level. It's funny in its own sense how only first once you realize you may lose something forever, you understand how important or amazing something is to you. Music, sound, anything, my appreciation for it runs pretty much endlessly and as such I nowadays can listen to any genres or types.

While the world of sound is immense, of course there are some things that everyone will take a liking to. Game soundtracks in particular has over the recent years become more and more popular as an accepted culture of actual music and subgenre for most classic ones - and one particular site, namely OverClocked Remix, got a rich community that actively composes, edits and shares remixes of about anything from the gaming world. You could see this as a highlight to the site and what it offers, but I really do love most projects that get uploaded.

Latest addition is a Wave Race 64 main theme remix and whilst I barely remember this tune from all the years ago I played my Nintendo 64 console it's still an enjoyable track to listen to. About anything offered on OC Remix is, really. The first thing I did when getting my new computer and obtaining more storage space than I ever can fill up was download everything offered on the site. If you like game soundtracks in general you ought to check it out if you haven't. Usually when streaming playing WoW, I run a shuffle of all songs from OCR in the background.

1 comment:

Wikt said...

music is awesome and you shouldn't limit yourself to a single type of sound.

also, i have added you to my blag roll.

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