Mostly World of Warcraft and Paladins. But also some Internets.

This page is mostly for reaching out to people a bit better that I know as everyone knows that online time can turn quite hectic on occasion, and some things require a bit more thought before you can express them in an accurate way. With more or less related subjects tossed in between.

Internets in general.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


... that's what they say on the forumboards whenever something important or interesting pops up and they're the first poster. Is this important or interesting? Probably not. But everything needs a first post.

Restlessness is a funny state. It drives you to explore new depths and try different things - almost as an unconscious motivation of moving onward and evolving as a human being by learning (or breaking) grounds that are unknown to you. In my case, the gaze fell on blogs. Having read and followed its evolution over the years, it's been a fascinating ride to see the level of popularity it has reached in our day. The freedom and variety of them seem to attract people of all backgrounds and reasons together for one thing - to share with others whatever they decide to dedicated their blog to. In my case, the main focus would fall on what I spend most my gaming hours on - World of Warcraft. Just another in the crowd of the other millions sure, but everyone is their own individual.

I'd like to branch out to the rest of my fields of interests of what is covered here though - because the problem I see with many blogs is that its owners narrow down the subjects to such a thin level they rarely have much to blog and update about. As a result, they update it only actively the first weeks when they got a lot of things to express themselves about with as a headstart, and then it gets increasingly more difficult to find relevant and/or interesting topics (all this maybe eventually leading to a dead blog).

Widening your views and being open to share more options will hopefully be a helpful hand in making the difference between an active and a dead blogpage.

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